Begin Bright recognises that all children develop at different stages. This is a general overview of milestones that children aged 5-years-old may be achieving.

I am 5-years-old! I’m learning to:

  • Go to school
  • Know the letters of the alphabet and letter sounds
  • Count groups of objects up to 10 and recite numbers to 20
  • Cut out basic shapes with scissors; sometimes I can cut a straight line
  • Use one hand more than the other
  • Hold a pencil using a tripod grip (two fingers and a thumb)
  • Recognise and name colours and basic shapes
  • Recite my name, address, and phone number
  • Which way the pages go, that words are read left to right and top to bottom
  • That stories have a beginning, middle, and end
  • To tell stories, jokes and riddles (I am funny!)
  • To stick with an activity for 15 minutes and finish a short project
  • Make plans about how to play, what to build, or what to draw
  • Use most plurals and pronouns
  • Talk about opposites and compare things
  • Talk about things that are going to happen and that has already happened
  • Follow simple multi-step directions and rules
  • Share and get along with other kids


The Begin Bright Primary Booster Programmes for 5 6 years are for me! Begin Bright can help children to achieve these milestones and set the foundations for future learning success.